Record of the route Přerov - Břeclav in its entire length filmed from the rear car of the passenger train set. Due to a technical malfunction on the camera, the route was filmed in two days. Section Přerov - Nedakonice 19.7.2017 (Os 4220 - departure from Přerov at 17.35) and section Nedakonice - Břeclav 20.7.2017 (Os 4206 - departure from Nedakonic at 08.36). The train stops at all 24 stations and stops (including Přerov and Břeclav). Filming was able to take place thanks to an exception - the deployment of locomotive 362.112, which cannot be controlled from the control car, so it had to pull the train, and the car from which I could film was located at the end of the set. Accelerated version of the video (timelapse): • Přerov - Břeclav TIMELAPSE (view from...