This video is part of the DVD Rosa de Saron in Concert, recorded on August 6, 2023 at the Theatro Municipal de São Paulo, accompanied by the Camerata Filarmônica de Indaiatuba, conducted by Maestra Natália Larangeira Contact for shows and partnerships: [email protected] Whatsapp (19)98115-4265 Instagram: @bandarosadesaron THE MIDNIGHT SUN Guilherme de Sá It's strange And hard to say that everything is okay If there is something, then come understand How much only you can take a simple step at a time The midnight sun exists here You think, stop See that love resists Look, taste, feel, touch It is God who makes you understand all the poetry That makes life more valuable And proves that it is still possible to be happy Just answer who calls And realize That only he can understand your interior To take away your pain, to fulfill your dream To transform your life, you just have to understand That it is God (Who makes you understand (all poetry) And makes life more valuable And proves that it's still possible to be happy Just answer who calls And ask that tonight he touches you And heals all your wounds And watches over your sleep and waits to wake up Tomorrow will be a new day Tomorrow, tomorrow Tomorrow will be a new day Mañana, morgen, tomorrow It's God Who makes you understand all poetry And makes life more valuable And proves that it's still possible to be happy Just answer who calls And ask that tonight he touches you And heals all your wounds And watches over your sleep and waits to wake up Tomorrow will be a new day TECHNICAL INFORMATION: Rosa de Saron is: Vocals - Bruno Faglioni @brunofaglioni Guitar: Eduardo Faro @eduardofaro Bass: Rogerio Feltrin @rogeriofeltrin Drums: Grevão @grevao Camerata Filarmônica de Indaiatuba Artistic Direction and Conductor: Natália Larangeira Direction: JC Nunes Artistic Direction: Lize Borba Production Direction: Pedro Hummel Musical Production: André Cavalcante Recording Technician: Carlos Rossy PA Technician: Ricardo Domingues Monitor Technicians: Emerson Santos and Danilo Leal Stage Technicians: Raphael Coura and Kellvy Nunes Art Assistant: Ney Nogueira Stage Manager: Samuel Chaves VJ: Andrews Palomino Props: Michele Rodrigues Costume Designer: Gisele S. Takeda Lighting and LED Panel: Stage 5 Produções Light Designer: Wallace Souza LED Panel Technician: Hebert Nakahodo Filming: Stage 5 Produções Camera Movements: Megatroper Editing and Color Grading: JC Nunes Makeup: Bruna Santiago Filming: Stage 5 Produções Support Musicians: Adriano Mota - Guitar Lucas Cunha - Keyboard Roadies: Anderson Molino Vinicius Corte Social Media: Tiago Vittore Graphic Designer: Marcelo Monteiro Still Photography: Fabio Bueno de Assis, Caio Lanziani and Raissa Castro Support and Production Team: Production: Elivelton Santos Fabi Nunes Mariana Dulce Francine Carvalho Ribeiro