In the morning show @buenosdiasatodoscl on @TvnCl, our Dr. Ricardo Pommer and Dr. Carolina Ortega from @fertilidad_monteblanco participated in the segment on Late Motherhood, where they talked about myths, truths, care and risks of pregnancy after age 40. A reality that is on the rise due to the postponement of pregnancy for different reasons, which has led many women to freeze their eggs at an early age. The latest statistics from the Latin American Assisted Reproduction Network (Redlara) show that in Chile in 2020, of the almost 195 thousand births, 779 were in women over 45, and "in practically all of them there was technological help so that they could be born," says Dr. Pommer. We invite you to watch the note on this interesting topic in the morning show Buenos días a todos on Televisón Nacional. #infertility #latemotherhood #eggdonation #eggvitrification #eggfreezing