📚 RECOMMENDED BIBLIOGRAPHY: https://academic.oup.com/eurheartj/ar... 🚀 VIDEO SECTIONS: 00:00 Introduction 02:07 Surgical Risk 04:49 Risk of the Asymptomatic Patient 12:49 Approach to the Symptomatic Patient 16.51 Risk Reduction 21:22 Perioperative Antithrombotic Management 32:09 Thromboprophylaxis and transfusions 36:13 Specific diseases 47:35 Intraoperative Management 49:34 Myocardial damage (MINS) 55:42 Other complications OUR DIPLOMAS: 🩺 Diploma in Internal Medicine: https://grupomedi.com/producto/diplom... 🫀 Diploma in Electrocardiography https://medilearners.com/?product=dip... 🦠 Diploma Antibiogram and Antibiotic Therapy https://medilearners.com/producto/dip... 🧠 Super Medical Memory: Advanced Memorization Techniques https://medilearners.com/courses/curs... 🫁 Diploma in Chest X-ray and CT https://medilearners.com/?product=dip... 📋 Diploma in Arterial Gases and Oxygen Therapy https://medilearners.com/?product=dip... 🦠 Crash Course Bacteria https://medilearners.com/?product=cur... 💉 Diploma in Fluids and Electrolytes https://medilearners.com/?product=dip... 🚑 Diploma in Emergencies https://medilearners.com/?product=dip... OUR FREE COURSES ✍🏻 The Science of Studying Effectively (Science-Based Study Techniques) English: https://santiagoaq.notion.site/La-Cie... 🎙️ Educating with Creativity: How to Become a Digital Educator https://santiagoaq.notion.site/Educan... 🖥️ Optimize your Workspace: Automate Habits and Unlock your Productivity https://santiagoaq.notion.site/Optimi... SOCIAL NETWORKS AND PERSONAL CHANNELS 📲 Instagram: @tutoriasmedicinainterna, @andresf.med 🎬 Personal Channels: @AndresFMed & @Santiago AQ If you like our work and want to support us in the goal of providing free interactive medical education to the world 🌎 you can show your support by inviting us for a coffee ☕ Our Adenosine receptors will be eternally grateful🙏🏻 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/tutorias