The inauguration of President BAP moved Flamengo and brought a lot of news! Let's talk about everything that happened at the event, from the many compliments to José Boto, the presentation of the vice-presidents for each department, the confirmation of Filipe Luís as coach, the reinforcement that the person in charge of football is the professional hired for it, to the promise to build the stadium. We will also comment on the former president's embarrassment during the event and the criticism of the previous administration for the loss of money in the announcement of Arrascaeta as number 10. Don't miss it! Follow our social media and stay up to date with everything about Mengão: Instagram/TikTok: @canaldofelipefontoura Twitter: @ofelipefontoura YouTube: Felipe Fontoura Channel #VamoMengão #PosseDoBAP #Flamengo #JoséBoto #FilipeLuís # EstádioDoFlamengo #Arrascaeta10