BE SURE TO TURN ON THE HOUSE FROM BEGINNING TO FINISH! Light a candle in each room and sprinkle all the corners of your home with holy water clockwise starting from the entrance. You need to start the ritual with sinless thoughts and a pure soul. God bless you. #listenotheprayers #morningprayers #eveningprayers Dear Brothers and Sisters! We really need your help! Our channel is not funded. We will be glad of any help! We will pass on all the names of those who help for a thanksgiving service! (WE TAKE THE NAMES THAT THE BANK SPECIFIES WHEN TRANSFERRING. IF YOU ARE SENDING ON BEHALF OF ANOTHER PERSON OR YOUR BAPTISM NAME IS DIFFERENT, PLEASE SPECIFY THE NAME IN THE MESSAGE FOR PAYMENT!) God bless you! DonationAlerts https://www.donationalerts.com/r/svyetie ЮMoney: 4100117736860590