Party! We're celebrating the birthday of true optimist Maarten van Rossem. Why is Geert Wilders extremely dangerous? Why is Maarten quitting De Slimste Mens? And is Vandaag Inside for stupid people? Find out in a brand new episode of the PowCast! #pownews #maartenvanrossem #vandaaginside ???? Support PowNed, become a member: https://www.helpmee.tv ???? For more fantastic content, also check out our YouTube channel NPOW! / @npow ⭐ Discover more from PowNed on our website and socials! ► Website: https://www.powned.tv ► Facebook: https://www.fb.com/OmroepPowNed ► Instagram: / omroeppowned ► TikTok: / omroeppownedofficial ► Twitter: / powned ???? Tip for the editors? Mail to [email protected]