The street rally by (contemporary) conservative political groups has been ongoing since the birth of the 'Yellow Shirts' under the official name of the 'People's Alliance for Democracy', with the main pillar to oust 'Thaksin Shinawatra' from power, citing the corruption of the elected government. Even though almost 2 decades have passed, many people still believe that the mob gathering on that day was an important factor that led to the 2006 coup, the origin of the 'color-shirt war' and the starting point of social division, which continued to the 2014 coup. SPACEBAR POLITICS invited 'Weera Somkwamkid', a former leader and one of the founders of the Yellow Shirts mob, to have an open talk about their vision for driving the movement and the accusations from society that they see as the fuse that caused the division. They also asked for lessons learned 17 years ago, before the 'government that dissolved the factions' was born. He openly admitted that, 'We lack experience' and 'have been wrong all along' #Politics #Alliance #YellowShirts #RedShirts #Thaksin #ThaiRakThai #Coup #PheuThai #Democrat #MoveForward #Election #Settha #THAILAND #POLITICS #SpacebarPOLITICS ----------------------------------------------------- Follow SPACEBAR on other channels Website : https://spacebar.th/ YouTube : / @spacebarmediath Facebook : / spacebarmediath Instagram : / spacebarmediath X : https://x.com/SpacebarMediaTH Tiktok : / spacebarmediath