Police discovered a warehouse in Santana de Parnaíba, Greater São Paulo, where a man was making fake honey from sugar and low-quality ingredients. The suspect confessed to producing around 400 boxes per month, which he sold as pure honey. The production used sugar, citric acid, dyes and starch, substances that can harm health. After giving testimony, the man was released. Our WhatsApp: https://balancogeraltarde.r7.com/what... and https://balancogeralmanha.r7.com/what... Subscribe to the Balanço Geral channel: http://r7.com/KKyb Watch the full episodes on PlayPlus: https://www.playplus.com Facebook: / balancogeral Instagram: / balancogeral Twitter: / balancogeral Official website: https://recordtv.r7.com/balanco-geral #BalançoGeralManhã #BalançoGeral #HoraDaVenenosa