Special offer for the online course Cycles of Power (start for free): https://meleshkod.ru/kurs Our Telegram channel https://t.me/meleshkod_ru 0:56 About the term emotionally immature adults What is an emotionally mature person: this is a person who is able to think objectively and maintain an emotional connection with other people act openly based on a set goal and at the same time do not use other people's sense of identity he is not ashamed of his feelings and thoughts very realistically assesses the situation without getting hung up analyzes his thoughts and feelings very well 5:05 Who are emotionally immature adults criteria: 1) My parent often overreacted emotionally to minor events. 2) My parent did not often show empathy or care about the feelings of others. 3) When it came to emotional closeness or showing feelings, my parent became uncomfortable and closed off. 4) My parent was often irritated by individual differences and other points of view. 5) When I was a child, my parent often shared their problems with me, but was not ready to listen to me. 6) My parent often said and did things without thinking about other people's feelings. 7) I rarely received my parent's attention and sympathy, except when I was seriously ill. 8) My parent was inconsistent: sometimes he or she was wise, but sometimes he or she was completely unreasonable. 9) If I was sad, my parent either said something superficial and unhelpful, or got angry and made sarcastic comments. 10) All our conversations mainly revolved around my parent's interests. 11) Even polite disagreement could provoke a defensive reaction from my parent. 12) I felt uncomfortable telling my parents about my successes because it seemed like they did not care. 13) My parent did not base his or her opinions on facts and logic. 14) My parent was not prone to introspection and rarely thought about their role in the current situation. 15) My parent saw everything in black and white and had a hard time accepting new things. 12:16 Types of emotionally immature parents: 1st type) emotional parent 2nd type) obsessive parents 3rd type) passive parents 4th type) rejecting parents 18:58 How does this manifest itself in relationships with children? 22:00 How does this affect the child's future? 26:24 How does this manifest itself in a child's adult life? 29:26 How to work with this? Authors of the podcast: Dmitry Meleshko Pavel Bolvinov