Good evening) I hope this playlist will help you to endure all the hardships and horrors of worldly life :) Timestamps: 00:00 - 02:48 - You - Give me a Tank (!) 02:48 - 04:38 - 150 cm - Alena Shchvets 04:38 - 08:13 Wings - Lampabikt 08:13 - 11:09 People are boring - Molchat Doma 11:09 - 15:53 Cage - Molchat Doma 15:53 - 19:01 Tired of idleness - Gully 19:01 - 21:13 My love - Ellie on a poppy field VK group, where you can (if anything) order art: https://vk.com/sequum TG group, where you can (if anything) throw music: https://t.me/solus_sonus