We were given the opportunity to plan the Customer’s site with complex terrain. What we did: erected a sub-wall from PSB blocks backfilling of all uneven areas on the site terracing of the site on three levels organized an asphalt driveway and parking carried out a complex felling of a large tree strengthened the planned site and slopes with planted grass https://сиж.рф - Website of the project Build and Live http://sv-fundament.ru - Website Applications for execution of excavation works, for design, manufacture of a house kit and construction of a frame, half-timbered or aerated concrete house are accepted by mail - [email protected] Participate in discussions and ask any questions about construction on the honest forum http://forum-stroy.com Resource for raising money for a prosthesis in rubles for Valery: http://yasobe.ru/na/protezis euros and dollars: BENEFICIARY BANK: SEB Banka LATVIA SWIFT CODE: UNLA LV 2X BENEFICIARY: VALERIJS SCERBAKOVS ACCOUNT NO: LV22UNLA0055000098740 EUR Video about Valery building a house: • DIY frame greenhouse, BUT b... Subscribe to our new channel in Telegram https://telegram.me/sig2015 https://сиж.рф - Website of the project Build and Live http://sv-fundament.ru - Website https://vk.com/stroyizhivi - VK Group / stroyizhivi - Instagram / kasumov.aleksandr Instagram of Kasumov Alexander / sv_fundament - Twitter Write - we will be happy to answer you !!! For Channel Development Tinkoff card 5213243730833439 WEBMONEY R585357398038 QIWI Wallet https://qiwi.me/narazvitiecanala