HEY HELLO TO ALL FRIENDS today we're going to play pico park 2 and right now my life is so difficult that I have this grain of madness that is coming back and I tell myself that rather than fighting it I should rather embrace it as if I had shrek in front of me you understand well I try to make videos anyway you saw but I make them longer hey who wants to play mario party too srx if there is an online mode why not don't hesitate to comment the worst player of this game (personally I hesitate between deo and pauline) - Tartin : / @tartiflex - Deo and diabo (he asked me to put the two channels for 50 euros): / @deotoons / @diabo - Pauline : / laupocute Tiktok : / laupokhf Twitch: / laupok Twitter : / laupokhf Instagram : Laupocute and Laupok_Yt T-shirts and Laupok goodies to support the channel: https://bazardelaupok.tunetoo.com/ https://teespring.com/stores/laupok ost Gears Of War OST - Track 27 - Train Ride To Hell Gears Of War OST - Track 06 - Fish In A Barrel A Call to Arms - Tirion Fordring [ Warcraft - World of Warcraft - Hearthstone Theme ] Who is the CoinHunter - Mario Hoops 3-on-3 F-Zero - Big Blue (Super Nintendo) Among Us Drip Theme Song Original (Among Us Trap Remix / Amogus Meme Music) Super Smash Bros Melee [OST Corneria] Fichina Star Fox Assault Music Extended HD Star Fox 64 Soundtrack (HD) - Title Screen Undertale Undyne Fight Theme ( Spear Of Justice ) video • Realistic Mario: Brick Block mario