Me: SMS 539-625-437 Business questions: [email protected] Fuel and engine oil additives FORTE Polska: #rommie #rodzinaforte With the password REN free shipping of ALL products from https://www.forte-polska.pl/ The workshop where I work: Autom 05-091 Ząbki ul. Ks. Skorupki 70. 505-847-171 We invite you for a coffee ;-) -------------------------- The films I create and my opinion have nothing to do with the company I work for. All situations presented in the film are fictional. Any resemblance to events, names, first names, last names, people and things is coincidental. The films are created entirely by drawing, painting, and using other techniques so that they look realistic using all technologies including new Si technology and machine learning. No situation presented in the film has ever happened or taken place in the real world. Everything was generated artificially using the latest computer technologies and is not real.