???? If you really decided that you need English, then the videos on this channel will help you not only learn useful phrases and sentences, but also bring them to automaticity. This is extremely important if you want to speak English calmly and confidently without stumbling over every word. ???? Feel free to write in the comments if you do not understand some points, or if you know another version of the translation of this or that sentence. We will watch and analyze. ???? If you find this information useful, please like this video, subscribe to the channel and recommend it to your friends ???? I sincerely wish you success in learning English! #английськамова #английскадляпочаткивців #английска #английсказнуля #английскаукраїнской #английскаяслух #английскафрази #английскислова #englishpractice #englishlearning #englishspeaking #englishlistening #english #learnenglis #phrasalverbs