Watch 'Brutalt Broderskab – Comanches' every Wednesday at 9pm or watch the entire season on Max here: https://bit.ly/BrutaltBroderskabKanal... Phillip Nielsen tells more about how he started in Comanches and what happened the day he no longer belonged to HA. A new documentary series takes a close look at the rocker and gang environment in Denmark when the infamous rocker club Comanches, formerly known as Satudarah, for the first time lets a TV crew follow them behind the gates of the rocker castles. The clip is from season 1 Episode 3. #brutaltbroderskab #kanal5dk Follow Kanal 5 Danmark for more moments from your favorite series: https://bit.ly/SubscribeKanal5Danmark Stay updated on our social media Instagram: / kanal5dk Facebook: / kanal5dk