✅ Get to know Zoho Workplace: https://zoho.to/teste-dezembro ????️ Listen to the episode on other platforms: https://diolinux.com.br/podcast/basti... In this episode of Diocast, we'll show you a little behind the scenes of Diolinux Labs' production. How do we define the content of the videos? Does audience feedback impact our production? ⭐ Get to know our work: https://diolinux.com.br/links ???? Our PodCast: https://diolinux.com.br/diocast ???? Our Game Live Channel: https://diolinux.com.br/live ???? Our store (on Lolja): https://diostore.com.br Presented by: Edson Silva Edited by: Edson Silva Produced by: Raul Craveiro Thumbnail by: Adriel Filipe #Diocast #Linux #OpenSource