Neo is an animal doctor today. The phone doesn't stop ringing, it seems like a lot of little animals need help! ???? Lyrics: The ambulance wheel turns, turns, turns, turns. The ambulance wheel goes around the farm. The cow in the ambulance says mu mu mu, mu mu mu, mu mu mu. The cow in the ambulance says mu mu mu, for the farm. The sheep in the ambulance says baby baby baby, baby baby baby, baby baby baby. The sheep in the ambulance says bé bé bé, around the farm. The bus wheel goes up and down, up and down, up and down. The bus wheel goes up and down through the farm. The ducks in the ambulance say quén quén quén, quén quén quén, quén quén quén. The ducks in the ambulance say quén quén quén, around the farm. The mouse on the road says here, here, here! Qui qui qui qui! Qui qui qui qui! The mouse on the road says here, here, here! By the farm. The ambulance wheel turns, turns, turns, turns. The ambulance wheel goes around the farm. By the farm. Like, leave a ???? and tell us who your favorite character is! ???? Follow with the BabyBus Brasil Playlists: ALL THE SONGS! ► • ???? ALL SONGS! ???? Infa Songs... ALL ANIMATIONS! ► • ???? ALL ANIMATIONS! ???? Cartoon... ALL COMPILATIONS! ► • ???? ALL COMPILATIONS! ???? Songs I... ???? Our Offer: Detective Labrador: / @sherifflabradorpt Children's music, lullabies, Portuguese for children, lullabies in Portuguese, children's songs in Portuguese, Portuguese songs for kids, children's music, children's cartoons, Music in Portuguese for children, cartoon, drawings. #BabyBus #BabyBusPortuguese #Children's Songs #SimNeo #YesNeo Copyright © BABYBUS CO.Ltd All Rights Reserved