Personality disorders will be the topic of today's conversation. What is narcissism, borderline, psychopathy? How to recognize these disorders? It turns out that it is with personality disorders that patients most often come to the psychotherapy office of Piotr Chabros, who is today's guest on Radio Lublin. Piotr Chabros is a psychologist, educator, psychodynamic psychotherapist. A graduate of a four-year psychotherapy course conducted by the Department of Psychotherapy at the Medical College of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Member of the Polish Psychiatric Association and the Polish Sexological Society. He conducts individual and group psychotherapy for adults. He also deals with issues in the field of psychological and sexological areas. He specializes in psychotherapy of neurotic disorders and personality disorders. He gained experience, among others, in hospitals, schools and mental health clinics. On a daily basis, he works as an outpatient in his office and in a medical center. Rapidly advancing social changes, peer pressure, the development of social media promoting the presentation of an ideal image, lack of a sense of closeness and security in family relationships can often be linked to improper development of personality structure. Difficulties in interpersonal relationships, problems with adapting to social expectations, fear of negative evaluation, unstable image of one's own identity, inflexible and maladaptive behaviors are the main features of personality disorders. As a result, these people and their closest circle very often experience suffering. Research and clinical practice show that properly conducted therapeutic interactions can lead to significant improvement in the functioning of people struggling with these difficulties. More and more people are seeking help because of turbulent and unstable relationships, struggling with problems in maintaining emotional stability and frequent life changes. The most common disorders are borderline personality, narcissistic personality and mixed personality disorders. Such people are a particular challenge in psychotherapy due to the complex etiology of the disorders, lack of predictability of behavior and emotional instability. This group of patients often abandon therapy, unconsciously reproducing patterns of disturbed behavior. It should be noted that the diagnosis of personality disorders does not have to be associated with the occurrence of symptoms of a mental illness. In the case of experiencing the described difficulties, it is worth using the help of a qualified psychotherapist, because it can significantly improve the quality of life. Monika Hemperek invites you. #radiolublin #licencjanazycie #psychologia #psychologicznyprogram #podcast #wywiad #MonikaHemperek #PiotrChabros #odpornoscpsychiczna #silnapsychika #pomocpsychologiczna #odprawa