In this video, I reviewed all the cases where girls managed to participate in official gaming competitions and face professional male gamers. The results of these confrontations are considered part of the history of eSports, which has its own charms. With the utmost respect to both genders, I hope you enjoy the video. #LeagueOfLegends #GirlGamers #FemaleGamers #GamingCompetitions #Girl-BoyGamersCompetitions 0:00 The first gaming tournament in the world 0:16 Review of the performance of the all-girl siren team 1:41 Performance of the all-girl girls hk team 2:42 Performance of the all-girl panda cute team 3:00 Performance of Remilia in lol competitions 3:42 Performance of the all-girl vaevictis Esports team 5:55 Performance of geguri in official overwatch competitions 8:10 Performance of mayumi in lol competitions 9:15 Establishment of all-girl leagues