The Pension Fund of Ukraine has already presented the text of the pension reform, which it plans to launch in 2025 and which will affect the life of every pensioner, for your information. Pension Reform on the website of trade unions - https://spo.fpsu.org.ua/laws/proyekty... According to the Ministry of Social Affairs, these changes will allow to increase the pension of 80% of pensioners, and more than 30% - to significantly increase the PENSION, the e-Points system will be introduced, which will allow to adequately assess the pension according to a clear formula. The indexation principle will be changed - now the main role in calculating the future pension will be played not by salary, but by the amount of contributions to the PF, and the concept of a basic payment amount will be introduced, below which the pension cannot be Narodna Dumka main thoughts and news of Ukraine and Ukrainians in an accessible format: • Narodny Tik-Tok - / narodnadumka • Narodny TELEGRAM - https://t.me/NarodnaDum • Live Facebook - / dubrovskijlive • Narodny Instagram - / narodnad Support of the people's channel, sponsorship: / @NarodnaDumka #IncreasePensions #PensionReform #ForEveryPensioner #NarodnaDumka