• Pension in Italy and returning home. ... How is the pension calculated in Italy and what is the retirement age. What will happen to the Italian pension if you return home ⁉️ ???? https://cli.co/iKNo4ZD How to get social benefits ⁉️ ???? https://cli.co/jLl44XM Where and how to calculate your future pension and whether foreigners are entitled to a pension. How many years do you need to pay into the pension fund to retire in Italy, and is it possible not to work a day and receive a pension in Italy? ???? Subscribe to our channel https://cli.co/livesubscr We understand the different ways of calculating a pension, what is the retirement age, the features of social benefits, the minimum pension in and the pension for foreigners. Let's look at the average pension in the north of Italy and in the south. Every foreigner wondered if he would have an Italian pension? This is a frequently asked question, and we have many publications on this topic on our website, I recommend visiting it. Are housewives entitled to a pension? How can I view my pension payments and calculate a simulation of my future pension? And an important question: what will happen to your residence permit when you stop working and start receiving a pension, and are you entitled to one at all? We answer these questions in this video. Social pensions, disability pensions, survivor's pensions, old age pensions and length of service pensions, tax, quota and mixed methods of calculating pensions, indication of pension benefit payments - the Italian pension system is fundamentally different from what a citizen of Russia or Ukraine is used to. Even Italians themselves get confused about the specifics of calculating pensions and the types of social benefits: the laws are constantly changing and only the employees of the National Institute of Social Security (INPS), who are actually responsible for calculating pensions in Italy, the reformers themselves (the government) and competent lawyers have time to keep track of them. As you already understood, there are several categories of pensions: labor pensions and social pensions. Labor pensions: old-age pension (pensione di vecchiaia); pension for length of service (pensione di anzianità); survivor's pension (pensione ai superstiti); permanent disability pension (pensione per inabilità); pension for those who worked outside Italy (under the convention between Italy and other countries on the mutual offset of work experience) (pensione in convenzione internazionale per il lavoro svolto all'estero); old-age pension supplement (pensione supplementare di vecchiaia). Social pensions (social assistance to those in need) social payments to families with low income; disability pensions. pensions for elderly people without income. #vitaliapension #italianpension #whatisvitaliapension #italypensionage #howmuchisvitaliapension #retirementvitalia #averagevitaliapension #howlongisvitaliapension #minimumvitaliapension #howlongdoesvitaliaretire #vitaliapensionsizeage #socialvitaliapension #old-agevitaliapensions #whatistheaveragepensionvitalia #lifevitalia #italy #retirementage #howtomovetovitalia #antongross #immigrationvitalia