Assalamualaikum Wr Wb, Hello! Let us introduce ourselves from group 4, class 1C, Informatics Management Study Program, Astra Polytechnic. Members: Rasya Arfian Akbar (0320240064) Renata Aullia Firmansyah (0320240067) Alya Shafa Salsabila (0320240008) Muhammad Abrar Baihaqi (0320240042) This video assignment is intended to fulfill the Final Assignment of the Computer Organization and Architecture (ORKOM) course on how to Assemble a PC and Install the Microsoft Windows 11 Operating System given by Mr. Vian Ardiyansyah Saputro, S.ST, M.Kom and Mr. Roni Prasetyo, A.Md. Hopefully you enjoy our video, Thank you. Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb. For information related to the Informatics Management Study Program, please visit the link below: Informatics Management Study Program Link: https://www.polytechnic.astra.ac.id/p... /manajemen-informatika/ Informatics Management Instagram: / informatics_astratech New Student Admissions Link: https://pmb.polytechnic.astra.ac.id/ Astra Polytechnic Instagram: / astrapolytechnic Music Used: NSR - NSR Approach Megamix NSR - DJ Subatomic Supernova