Comedy "The Good Car" (Thuy Nga Drama Group) HOAI LINH, HOAI TAM, PHUONG TRANG Paris By Night 137 - 40-Year Journey Part 2 (Authors & Works) Register to become a member: / @thuynga #pbn137 #parisbynight #thuynga #hoailinh #hoaitam The most interesting video is in this link http://channel.thuynga.online/haynhat/ FOLLOW THUY NGA PARIS BY NIGHT: ☞ Facebook: / thuyngapbn ☞ Thuy Nga Youtube: / @thuynga ☞ Comedy Official: / comedy official ☞ Thuy Nga Karaoke: http://channel.thuynga.online/ThuyNga... ☞ Thuy Nga Radio: / @thuyngaradio ☞ MC Nguyen Ngoc Ngan Youtube: / @nguyenngocnganofficial ☞ Website: http://www.thuyngashop.com