0:00 A song of victory written by a failed life 2020.2.16 Sermon Sermon text: Mark 1:1 36:29 The spirit of the ten thousand saints sending movement 2020.2.23 Sermon Sermon text: Mark 1:1-8 1:21:06 The spirit of the ten thousand saints sending movement (2) 2020.3.1 Sermon Sermon text: Mark 1:2-8 1:53:33 The power to overcome desire 2020.3.8 Sermon Sermon text: Mark 1:9-11 ▷View Pastor Lee Chan-soo's books https://mall.godpeople.com/?GO=Author_60 #BundangOurChurch #PastorLeeChan-soo #Sermon #SundaySermon Godpeople TV that recharges my soul with sermons uploaded daily -------------------- ▷The best Godpeople Bible for reading the word ▷https://gpbible.godpeople.com ▷Install for free now and immediately Give it a try.