The Passat is a dream car! And it's not just any Passat. In today's video, we're talking about an Iraqi Passat. Why is it called that? I don't think we need much of a plot to answer that. Famous on social media, Ricardo's Passat has already received three different mechanics until it reached this recipe: a 20v engine from an Audi S3 with a 2001 Stroker engine with a 58/62 turbo from PSR, an original 20v cylinder head and aspirated camshaft, generating almost 600hp with 2.5kg of turbo pressure. Several adaptations, but it looks like it came out of the factory like this. A car that caught my attention due to the extremely careful and tasteful assembly details. ???? Like this video and subscribe to the FuelTech Instagram channel ???? / fueltech Official Website ???? https://www.fueltech.com.br