My name is Kurotsuki Demons Byakuen. This stream is for the Nintendo Switch version of Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak. Cross-play is not possible, so please do not make any mistake. This is a participatory stream where you can play Monster Hunter Rise with someone. Notes on multiplayer: If you want to join without hunting, please refrain from entering the lobby. If you wish to participate, please say your hunter name (HN) and a word (e.g., "Can I join?") in the chat. If you enter the room without saying anything, we will reject you. The most important thing is to have fun playing, so please refrain from slandering the failure of the quest or giving instructions while participating. If you wish to participate, please be sure to say so in the chat section. If you do not say so, we will not create a room. Even if a room is already prepared, please be sure to say so in the comments. If you enter the room without permission, we will also kick you out. Basically, anyone can post a quest, but quests with less than two people are prohibited in principle. Thank you for your understanding.