Content creator, Podcaster, influencer, Paola Sanchez tells us interesting aspects of her career, and her experience in one of the most important social media projects in the country in recent years. The opinions expressed in this episode are the responsibility of the person who issues them, and do not represent the opinion of Zether or the production of Backfocus Podcast. Social Networks BACKFOCUS PODCAST INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/backfocus_p... TIKTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@backfocuspodc... FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/BackfocusPod... MENY ZETHER https://www.instagram.com/meny_zether... Zether Baby Pics https://www.instagram.com/zethebabypi... PAO SÁNCHEZ https://www.instagram.com/paosanchezg...