The Shocking Evidence That Changes Everything! Our Origins Are an Impossible Mystery! Is the Universe, life, and everything we know about our origins the result of mechanical laws? Is chance the predominant element that not only allowed our universe to form as we know it, but also allowed life to arise? The scientific discoveries of recent decades have profoundly undermined the certainties that we had developed until now regarding our origins. If today, we were to search for an answer by analyzing all the scientific knowledge we have, we would find ourselves faced with evidence that points us toward a shocking reality. Chance and phenomena linked to evolution cannot have been the determinant of everything! Who or what then determined the birth of the universe and life? At the moment there is no certain answer to this question, but analyzing all the steps that led to the birth of the universe and life, we cannot help but be shocked by the incredible fortuitous and mysterious events that allowed our universe and ourselves to be born. The existence of the universe and life itself are a mystery that has puzzled scientists for years, if for a period we had proof that everything was determined by clear and simple mechanical and physical laws, today we know that this is not enough to explain everything and that something else allowed all this to originate. Everything is up for discussion again. To support our channel »» Subscribe to Ustory! https://bit.ly/2OIcsHH To Learn More: How I See the World https://www.amazon.it/Come-vedo-mondo... The Universe of Stalin and the Communist Party. Modern Cosmology in a Soviet Perspective https://www.amazon.it/Luniverso-Stali... The Delights of Biology https://www.amazon.it/delizie-della-b... God. Science, the Evidence https://www.amazon.it/Dio-scienza-pro... The Theory of Everything. Origin and Destiny of the Universe https://www.amazon.it/teoria-tutto-Or... The Number of the Heavens. A History of the Multiverse and the Quest to Understand the Cosmos https://www.amazon.it/numero-dei-ciel... _________________________________ What is happening in the world? Understanding what happens around us every day is not easy. We try to decode reality through the latest scientific discoveries, the great stories of the past, simple curiosities and theories at the limits of knowledge. Telling the world and trying to understand what surrounds us is a fascinating journey as big as the entire universe. Every week you can follow our updates and you can lightly learn something new and stimulating. Join our community and enjoy the show! »»Visit our website: https://www.ustorymagazine.com »»Subscribe now: https://bit.ly/2OIcsHH »»Follow us on Facebook: /ustoryvid