This is a video of us shopping at portal, a second-hand clothing store in Nakazakicho, Osaka! Not only does this store have an incredible amount of goods, but the lineup is also incredible. This is a famous store in Nakazakicho that has everything from regular to vintage and military items. This video is part 1. We went on a shopping spree, so look forward to part 2, where we introduce the items we purchased!! Here's the second part! • [Osaka] We went on a shopping spree at a second-hand clothing store in Nakazakicho. The quality of over 300 T-shirts... The second-hand clothing store we filmed this time is this. It's a famous store in Nakazakicho, Osaka. ▷portal https://www.instagram.com/portal.osak... ▷Tatsuya (Owner) https://www.instagram.com/portal_tats... ▷Riku (Manager) https://www.instagram.com/ameriku_use... Posted every Saturday at 8pm! Subscribe here! / @b_taro.clothing ▷ B-Taro's Instagram https://www.instagram.com/b_taro.clot... #Secondhandclothing #Secondhandclothingstore #Secondhandclothingstoretour #Vintage #Regularsecondhandclothing #Americancasual #Osakasecondhandclothingstore #Secondhands #Nakazakicho