Hakim Baltifa dedicates this special Maghreb episode to examining the most prominent events that the Maghreb region experienced during the year 2024, from presidential elections to historic visits and political tensions, with the episode’s guests in the studio: Al-Hussein Musaddiq, Algerian researcher in political science, Youssef Shihab, Moroccan professor of strategic sciences and international development at the Sorbonne University, Al-Hajj Ould Ibrahim, Mauritanian researcher in social sciences, and Adel Latifi, Tunisian professor of contemporary political history. #Algeria #Morocco #WesternSahara For more, check out our article: https://f24.my/ApC2.y 🔔 Join our YouTube channel: https://f24.my/YTar 🔴 Follow us live: https://f24.my/YTliveAR 🌍 Visit our website: https://www.france24.com/ar/ Join our Facebook page: https://f24.my/FBar Follow our official account on X (Twitter): https://f24.my/Xar Check out the news in pictures on Instagram: https://f24.my/IGar