This is the second time in the history of this channel that I've exceeded 10,000 combos. If you're a stamina monster, I'm sure you can pass. Also, I'm aiming for M subscribers, so please subscribe to my channel! (1000 people) ______________________ ■Score file explanation/download ・This score can only be played on a simulator that supports TJA format score files. ・You may post play videos of original scores and ranks released on this channel, not just this one, on SNS, but in that case, we ask that you post the video URL of the original score you used in the description. ▼Download the sheet music here▼ https://ux.getuploader.com/danidouzyo... Character illustration by Kanikoru https://coconala.com/users/610821 Commonly used ones Voiced by https://CoeFont.cloud OtoLogic https://otologic.jp Sound Effect Lab https://soundeffect-lab.info DAVA-SYNDROME https://dova-s.jp Video stock site "efsto f-stock" f-stock https://f-stock.net/ Touhou Project derivative work guidelines https://touhou-project.news/guideline/