How to organize all your activities in Google Calendar so you don't miss deadlines, forget anything, or get overwhelmed. Even though I really like paper planners, Google Calendar helps me have a more efficient routine. Tell me, how do you organize yourself? Do you know any Google Calendar tricks? Does using a digital calendar help your life? ????HABITS TO BE MORE EFFICIENT IN YOUR STUDIES • Habits to be more productive in... ????HOW TO MAKE ACADEMIC FILES • How to make efficient records of... ????BENEFITS OF PHYSICAL EXERCISES FOR STUDENTS • Physical exercises and BENEFITS for... ????NOTION FOR ACADEMICS • Notion for academics - organization... ????ACADEMIC ROUTINE - TIPS FOR THOSE WHO ARE BEGINNING • Master's and doctorate routine - class... ????Public Speaking Course for Women: how to speak well in public and on the internet https://hotm.art/U8y50Wb DISCOUNT - ORATORIAALEMDOLATTES If you liked the video, leave a like, comment and subscribe to Além do Lattes! Follow me on Insta: @canalalemdolattes @alicepavanello / canalalemdolattes