Municipal Criminal Court 10 with knowledge functions Prosecutor's Office 32 Local of Cali Defender P: JUAN DAVID CASTILLO SANCHEZ Victim: Sintraquim Organization Crime: Violation of the rights of Assembly and Association Observations: Once the attendance of the parties has been verified, this act is declared legally installed, after a few brief considerations the office announces the sense of the ruling will be of an acquittal in favor of Mr. EMILIO for the crime of VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ASSEMBLY AND ASSOCIATION, in accordance with the provisions of article 545 of the CPP, they will be notified of the same. The parties are notified in court. For more information, you can contact me on the following social networks: 👇🏻 📲 💻 WhatsApp Bussines: https://wa.me/message/QLEHAJZAF6U4C1📲 📲(Colombia) +57 3147671517 Facebook: / 1022035108 👈🏼 Instagram: https://instagram.com/abogado_penalis... 🤳🏻 Twitter: / juandavidc7 🐦 Twitch: juandavidcastillosanchez 📲 / juandavidcastil. . LinkedIn: / juan-david-castillo-sanchez-3301001ba Email: [email protected] 📧 Juan David Castillo Sanchez 🧔🏻 Attorney Specialist in Criminal and Criminological Sciences Attorney Specialist in Criminal Procedural Law Candidate for a Master's Degree in Human Rights Externado University of Colombia 🇨🇴