The first mind-blowing biopic film from Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer tells the history of the creation of the atomic bomb that devastated the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. This film also tells the life story of J. Robert Oppenheimer before and after World War II. Still don't understand the storyline that goes back and forth? Just watch this video until the end for the explanation! Hello Skrulls! Please LIKE SHARE & SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed the video! Don't forget to do 1 good deed today! Stay healthy and have lots of fortune for you! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow BCU's social media, always a blessing: Tiktok: / breakdown.universe Instagram: / breakdown.universe Twitter: / txtdaribcu Facebook: / breakdown.universe Threads: https://www.threads.net/@breakdown.un... Join our Discord Community: Discord: / discord Follow the founder and host: Ryan BCU Instagram: / ryantrance Tiktok: / ryantrance Facebook: / ryanskrulls Twitter: / ryantrance Threads: https://www.threads.net/@ryantrance Script by @bayuajeee Video by @odanggs Support with coffee treats is also very welcome: www.saweria.co/bcunetwork For Business Inquiries: [email protected] #breakdown #eastereggs #oppenheimer Follow other BCU Channels: Reaction - / SeriCap reaction - / @sericap548 Keep Exploring The Multiverse EXPLANATION ENDING OPPENHEIMER