A multi-part comedy series that deals with several stories and tales in its episodes in a comedic, critical and sarcastic style, criticizing social and political conditions. Type: Comedy Written by: Yasser Al-Azma Directed by: Mamoun Al-Bani 📌 Note 1: All works on the channel have been edited and published professionally and in FULL HD so that you can enjoy watching 🎧🔋 Note 2: We read all your negative and positive comments and care about your opinion 🖋🧾 We listen to your requests to develop the channel's content and publish better clips 🏆 If you are a fan and lover of drama, support us and be part of our family ❤ By subscribing to the channel and activating the bell 🔔 so that you can receive everything new... #Mirrors #Yasser_Al-Azma