After Japan's defeat in the war, the Korean Peninsula was divided into North and South at the 38th parallel. At that time, the southern part of the Ongjin Peninsula became South Korean territory, and the northern part became North Korean territory, with the Ongjin Peninsula becoming an exclave of South Korea. Under the current military demarcation line, the entire Ongjin Peninsula became North Korean territory, but the islands attached to Ongjin are South Korean territory. Also, before the war, Ongjin was used as an air base for the former Japanese Navy. This time, we will explain about the Ongjin Peninsula, which was an exclave of former Korean territory. [References] ・The Beginning of the Korean War--The Secret Ongjin Artillery Battle (Author: Hora Tomio, Published in Japanese History / Edited by the Japanese Historical Association (Issue 187) December 1963) (URL: https://dl.ndl.go.jp/pid/7977091) ・Ongjin Air Base (URL: http://navgunschl2.sakura.ne.jp/banga...) ・Republic of Korea Government Ibuk5 Provincial Office Website (URL: http://www.ibuk5do.go.kr/main.do;jses...) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We at the Failed States Institute focus on nations that have now collapsed or are in a failed state with a non-functioning government, and research why they went bankrupt.