Our video today is dedicated to a topic that is relevant and important for the movement — the formation of Marxists and the formation of an organized and effective Marxist collective. We will tell you why constant and in-depth study of Marxism, and not only it, is necessary for absolutely every communist today. At the same time, we will remember who the couch potatoes are and how sitting on the couch with a can of beer differs from reading scientific literature. We remember and always keep in mind Marx's words that "ignorance has never helped anyone!" And we call on everyone who has decided to devote themselves to the struggle for a classless society to do the same. #lenincrew #marxism #science #education ⁂ Our website https://vk.cc/cmRsiu ⁂ Lenin Crew in: VK https://vk.cc/40aDVs Telegram https://vk.cc/c0gfjt ⁂ You can help with a donation using the card: 4276 4900 4508 7345