Exploring the enigmatic case of Omm Sety, we present intriguing accounts that suggest the possible reincarnation of an Egyptian soul. Based on historical events and testimonies, we will delve into the life of this mysterious figure, highlighting her deep connections with the ancient civilization of Egypt. Discover USEFATOS, the official store of Fatos Desconhecidos: https://usefatos.com.br/ Come join our club! Become a member of the Unknown Facts Channel: / @fatosdesconhecidos SCREENWRITER: Júlia Marreto / VIDEO EDITOR: Marcelo Prado / ILLUSTRATOR (THUMBNAIL): Alex Katira / CINEMATOGRAPHY and CAMERA OPERATION: Francisco (Shadow) and Joakim Sousa / STUDIO ASSISTANT: Pablwo Henryky / PRODUCER: Thales da Guarda / STUDIO DIRECTION: Carlos de Freitas / AUDIO and SCENE AND RECORDING DIRECTION: Marlúcio Rezende and Danyllo Freitas / SCREENPLAY REVIEW: Maurício Moreira / HEAD OF DEP. YOUTUBE: Wanessa Costa / EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Luiz Phellype Alves _______________________ 00:00 - 00:55 - Introduction 00:55 - 02:17 - Dorothy's English life 02:17 - 03:46 - The new Dorothy 03:46 - 05:23 - The older, the more Egyptian 05:23 - 06:41 - Dorothy's adolescence 06:41 - 08:28 - Dorothy's adult life 08:28 - 10:55 - Life in Egypt and her accounts of “past lives” 10:55 - 12:12 - The novice and the pharaoh - the story of Bentreshyt and Sety I 12:12 - 13:28 - Family problems 13:28 - 14:47 - Work in Egyptology 14:47 - 15:32 - Modern Honesty and Faith 15:32 - 16:37 - Abydos - Omm Sety's True Home 16:37 - 18:58 - Attempting to Redeem Her Soul 18:59 - 21:05 - Omm Sety's Devotion 21:05 - 25:10 - Surviving Egyptian Customs 25:10 - 28:40 - What Might Be True in Dorothy's Story? 28:40 - 30:29 - Omm Sety's Retirement 30:29 - 32:12 - Shortly Before Dorothy's Death 32:12 - 33:54 - Dorothy's Death 33:54 - 37:23 - Considerations: Supernatural Knowledge?