Ustadzah Oki Setiana Dewi, a preacher who is not free from the trials of life and also the insults of netizens. She tells about her life which may not be as beautiful as people see. In addition to the message from her late father that she always holds, there is also a message from Ustadzah Oki for her two younger siblings. What is her message and advice?? Let's watch the full story here.. #maiaestianty #ustadzah #ustadzahokisetianadewi #okisetianadewi #story #confession #heartfelt #child #praderwillli #mom #hajj #stopbreath #egypt #school #dutch literature #ui #universityofindonesia #communication #advice #riaricis #drshindy #insulting #netizen #prison ALELDUL and Bunda Maia family channel. Continue to support the MAIA ALELDUL TV channel by subscribing, clicking like, and giving comments, and sharing each video with your friends or beloved family. We are always waiting for your suggestions and input ideas. For ENDORSEMENT: CP ADEL: +62811122128