NЮ - Nobody (video) Starring: Kristina Brodskaya, Yuri Nikolaenko, Nikolai Nikolaev Director: Dmitry Pekshin Listen and download here - https://band.link/NIKTO_ Yuri Nikolaenko is the star of the TV series "Street" on TNT (winner of the Russian national television award TEFI), composer, singer, participant in the second season of the show "SONGS" on TNT. Concerts: Nikita +7 (985) 490-99-77 Director/PR: Anna +7 (925) 849-15-31/ [email protected] https://taplink.cc/anna.trigo Group in VK - https://vk.com/numusic2018 Telegram channel - https://t.me/numusic_official YDzen - https://zen.yandex.ru/ numusic OK - https://ok.ru/group/68908158746685