Part 1 of 7-seater cars: • Best 7-seater cars: SUVs, ... After we made the first video with several options for 7-seater cars, subscribers suggested other models and we listed the best ones to show in this sequel. 7-seater vehicles are suitable for larger families, where a sedan or SUV can no longer carry everyone. Here we will show more models, whether used, semi-new or brand new. We indicate in a table which versions are 7-seaters (because depending on the version, the car can have 5 or 7 seats), the years sold in the Brazilian market and the prices they are found. Very expensive or unreliable cars were left out of this comparison. And not only 7-seaters are on the list, there are 8- and even 9-seater vehicles as well. So check out the options we selected so you can choose your next family car. And remember, there are more options in the video with part 1. Kombi Video: • VW Kombi - the whole story of one of the ... Partners: Olho no Carro Virgola Klaue Insurance Broker Tuio Car Detail Favorite Car Follow us: Instagram: @op.sincera Facebook: fb.com/op.sincera YouTube: / opiniaosincera Contact us: Email: [email protected] #opiniaosincera #7lugares #FiqueEmCasa #Comigo #StayHome #WithMe