Series: His Majesty's Detective In early 1914, the Police Department is preparing for a change of leadership. The director suggests that the head of criminal investigation, Alexei Nikolaevich Lykov, go on an audit somewhere in the provinces to wait out the change of power. Lykov chooses Ryazan. His friend, General Taube, asks Alexei Nikolaevich to give a cash gift to his former orderly, Vasily Poludkin, who has settled in Ryazan. Fifty rubles is a lot of money for a retired orderly who has found work as a watchman at a factory. Full book - 08:24:56 Free Telegram channel with announcements and discussion - https://t.me/+QbYpnxEpYIk3NTEy Listen to this and other books in full on the Telegram channel - https://t.me/+W2FHtLBgPAo0N2U6 Patreon is available for listeners from abroad - https://www.patreon.com/our_favorite_books