【English】 Combining the seasonal elements of winter and the unique spiritual core of snow and ice sports, with the elements and means of expression of youth, trend, and extreme; with the story of the sports spirit of constantly challenging and breaking through, pursuing higher, faster, and stronger, the staff used this as a way of designing a skiing teenager style skin for Nezha. 【Portuguese】 Combining the seasonal elements of winter with the unique spiritual core of snow and ice sports, with the elements and means of expression of youth, trend, and extreme; and with the story of the sports spirit of constantly challenging and breaking through, and pursuing higher, faster, and stronger, the staff used this as a way of designing a skiing teenager style skin for Nezha. 【Bahasa Indonesia】 Menggabungkan elemen musiman musim dingin dengan inti spiritual yang unik dari olahraga salju dan es, dengan elemen dan sarana ekspresi kaum muda, tren, dan ekstrem; dan dengan kisah semangat olahraga yang terus menantang dan menerobos, serta mengejar yang lebih tinggi, lebih cepat, dan lebih kuat, para staf menggunakan hal ini untuk mendesain skin gaya remaja ski untuk Nezha. ❤️———————————————❤️ (Links to social media accounts) Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... Instagram: / hsihehdhdhjj igsh=Y3Z0Z24zeWs0aWk2&utm_source=qr ❤️———————————————❤️ (Channel Description): Hi, I'm Jun! Thank you very much for watching this video and for your interest in the channel! (1).If you have any thoughts on the video and the channel in terms of opinions and suggestions, please leave a comment directly in the channel! (2).If you like the video content of the channel, please click subscribe to show your attention and support for the channel, the channel will have new content every day. (3).Everything on the channel comes from hok's China server. (4).All translations of the channel are done using translation software, please understand if there is any mistake in the translation, it may not always be the meaning I want to express! (5).The content of the channel includes other series of HOK games, but the main content is still HOK-oriented. (6) #honorofkingsbr #moba