On Tuesday, December 31, 2024, the Czech Railways National Carrier returned a special New Year's Eve express to Kubova Huta, the highest station in the Czech Republic, after a five-year break. The New Year's Eve express ran three pairs of trains every hour between Kubova Huta and Vimperk and back. This video was filmed on a Samsung Galaxy A54 5G mobile phone in fullHD 1080p60 On Tuesday, December 31, 2024, the Czech Railways National Carrier returned a special New Year's Eve express to Kubova Huta, the highest station in the Czech Republic, after a five-year break. The New Year's Eve express ran three pairs of trains every hour between Kubova Huta and Vimperk and back. This video was filmed on a Samsung Galaxy A54 5G mobile phone in fullHD 1080p60