Complete course with eva flowers https://floresdeeva.net/ In this video I will be showing you new resin crimpers, everything you need to earn extra income with these crimpers. ►►► BLOG Link ◄◄◄ https://artesafiraartesanatos.blogspo... Keliane Ribeiro Zap Whatsapp to buy your pieces https://waapp.me/wa/4RLqazc5 Page / kelianeribeirooficiall Keliane's Channel / @kelianeribeiroartesefrisadores Facebook: / artesafira17 Page: Arte Safira / artesafiraartesanatos Page: Crafts with EVA / artesanatostutoriais Group: EVA FLOWERS AND OTHER CRAFTS / 298732953560571 Group: ARTE SAFIRA FLOWERS AND EVA DOLLS / floresebonecasdeeva Twitter / aguiarlex Pinterest / artesafira Instagram artesafira17: / artesafira17 E-mail [email protected] #frisadores #resina #flores