Today we are going to learn how to make a beautiful little bag out of raw cotton to pack our pieces ???? The fabric I used was the cheapest I could find in my city so that the packaging doesn't weigh down the budget???? To become my student and have immediate access to more than 150 creative sewing classes prepared for you to sew even on your home machine, just go to the website https://www.costuradafelicidade.com.br and choose your subscription And this beautiful hat ???? pincushion is made by my pastor @karinavaz, she accepts orders and can make it in the colors you prefer ???? I hope you like this class, and don't forget to tell me, okay? ✍???? At CASULO you will learn how to make beautiful and unique pieces, how to price, how to sell, how to use social media and much more!!! I WANT TO BE A CASULO STUDENT ???? https://bit.ly/estounocasulo Follow me on / tucaensina and stay up to date with our entire class schedule.