MY NEW COOKBOOK: https://www.bushcraft-schwarzwald.de/ Outdoor Equipment Shop ► ►http://www.gear-to-survive.com/ ↓ Click here for more info ↓ Video content: Baking bread on the embers. Detailed instructions & simple bread dough recipe! In the video I show how to make bread dough and then bake flatbreads on the embers. The breads are crispy and taste delicious with butter and salt. Fills you up! Ideal for camping and bushcraft cooking. ------------------ Basic outdoor equipment: Backpack: http://amzn.to/1sGy7iN * Pocket knife: http://amzn.to/219W3Fz * Stove: http://amzn.to/219sVhM * Seat mat: http://amzn.to/1RKP2c2 * ------------------ Have you seen this video yet? Documentary - Hiking in the Black Forest: http://bit.ly/1QtW9TD ------------------ Outdoor Youtube channels: WANDERFALKE: http://bit.ly/1MbhkKi WILD PLANTS TV: http://bit.ly/1uLMBvd BUSCHRAFT & SURVIVAL: http://bit.ly/1jEjyTY OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT TV: http://bit.ly/1EVvfj3 ------------------ Social Network FACEBOOK: / benjamin.claussner INSTAGRAM: / bushcraft_natur_kochen --------------------- Have fun in nature and it's great that you watched my video :-) Kind regards Benjamin ------------- Amazon Affiliate Partnerlink