I went to Nanakawa D in Wakayama Prefecture! Please subscribe to my channel ( `・∀・´)ノ / @miraclemiya Stickers are on sale at the Mercari shop! https://mercari-shops.com/shops/NKvW2... SNS: Twitter: / agouatm Facebook: / takahiro.miya.79 Instagram: / miyatakahiro0819 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@miraclemiya?l... Music provided by: DOVA-SYNDROME https://dova-s.jp/ Sound Effect Lab https://soundeffect-lab.info/ Youtube audio library filming equipment: Camera → SONY HDR AX60, Osmo Action Lapel microphone → TASCOM DR-10L Pro Tripod → SLIK KS-194 [Tackle] Rod: Shimano World Shaula 1651FF-3 Reel: Shimano Antares DCMD XG Line: Nanodax 16lb #NanakawaDam #BassFishing #Shinobeat #BankFishing #WorldShaula #GranderMusashi #Antaresdcmd #Miracle Palace