Even though they were huge successes, The Incredibles 2, Titanic and Aladdin had controversies that led to changes after their release. And as incredible as it may seem, there are many similar cases, so let's get to know each one of them now! Try Speakly free for 7 days and get 60% off for annual subscription: https://speakly.app.link/pipocando ---------------------- - ------------------------------------------------- - ----------- //ROLANDINHO / rolandinho / rolandinhobr //BRUNO BOCK / brunobock / brunobock ---------- FIND US OUT THERE -------- - //ROLANDINHO / rolandinho / rolandinhobr //BRUNO BOCK / brunobock / brunobock ---------- TEAM --------- Script: Victor Coimbra - / v_coimbra Editing: Gabriel Moralles - / _gabrielmoralles_